Having just watched some videos posted by the famous hero of our time, Namewee, I have got something to say too!
I would say "I really admire you, Namewee, because you have been really brave. You voiced out your opinions and your genuine and sincere feelings about this country. I idolize you! When you are not happy, there must be a reason and by saying it out to the public, tons of burden on your shoulders would just go away and you get to defend for yourself and many others just like you.
I am feeling exactly the same on my side, the homosexual community side, I wish I can be someone like you, I want to do better if I can! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! Our rights and dignities are all accumulated through years and years of fighting! But still we are too quiet... too timid... We should really step forward and tell the world how we feel just like Namewee! I am looking forward to someone like Namewee to be on the news, internet and more... I wish I can be another Namewee too...
I believe it is never too late to do something, no matter it is a big one or a small one, a START is what is really important to kick start everything! I would take this post as a good START of my own.